Psychic “Gifts”: The Curse of Cassandra

Photo Credit: WyronA; @wyron

Photo Credit: WyronA; @wyron

Psychic gifts among humans are as old as time. I’ve often wondered if divination rivals prostitution as the world’s oldest profession! These gifts are more common than we realize but not well understood. What is not well understood is often feared. Having psychic gifts can feel uncomfortable or scary for the person who possesses them. And sharing psychic information is sometimes not appreciated, even by those who seek it out.

In Greek mythology, Cassandra was a priestess of Apollo who was equally blessed and cursed with psychic abilities. Her gift was that she could accurately prophesy the future but her curse was that no one would ever believe her. Cassandra’s tragic plight serves as a metaphor for what many with psychic gifts experience. We all think we want a peak into the future, but do we really?

Many budding psychics or those with psychic gifts have a savior complex. We believe the psychic information we receive can help others and we want to help all the world. We’ll help the heck out of you! I’ve had many beautiful examples from my own life of when giving and receiving psychic insight really helped and added positive value.

Being a professional psychic, clients come to me wanting to glimpse into their futures or look more deeply into the past and present. There will be times when I divine information about their futures that they don’t want to hear. I totally understand people’s disappointment when this happens but at least we both understand that they came to me; they asked me to tell them what I see, I didn’t just go up to them and offer it.

For much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
— Ecclesiastes 1:18, KJV

This is where difficulties and fear really come into play around seeing into the future. Throughout historical literature, mythology, and religion, the dangers of prophecy abound. Some of this is superstition and perhaps used as a deterrent for people wanting to explore their personal spiritual power. What better way to control people than to make them afraid of their own power? But some of this caution makes sense.

I have found that psychic abilities are a double-edged sword. Having further insight into matters can be helpful but there will be times when it makes matters worse. Sometimes forewarned is not forearmed, especially where others are concerned. Many people reject the psychic information they receive because it goes against their beliefs or view of reality. When what was predicted comes to pass, no difference is made. Or the person will blame and scapegoat the psychic messenger.

Receiving psychic knowledge is certainly not foolproof or 100% accurate. Psychics are only human and what we divine is open to our very human (and sometimes flawed) interpretation. However, no matter how accurate your perceptions or predictions may be, they may not always help everyone. While the gift of psychic perception is one I will always be grateful for I recognize that, in a bold way of stating it, it can be a curse as well. Appreciate the psychic view into the future while understanding that sometimes what we see won’t be welcome or even understood.